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eYR Single Channel Series

eYR Single Channel Series

The eYR single channel series is our energy savings series providing 37% energy savings across key temperatures versus the previous generation of YR single channel series. Some examples of energy savings are the eYR-8030SC(LN) is enabled to provide additional 50% energy savings during idle via process tool commands.
This model also requires 9.8LPM (2.6gpm) LESS facility cooling water resulting in 588 less liters (155 gallons) per hour or 14,110 liters (3,728 gallons) per day or 5.1 million less liters (1.3 million gallons) required per year when compared to the previous generation model! The eYR-8030SC(LN) and eYR-8030SC(HP) are designed to have either model stacked upon the other while the eYR-9030SC(LP) is designed to have either the eYR-8030SC(LN) or the eYR-8030SC(HP) stacked upon it for footprint savings. For further footprint savings, two single channels can be combined into a dual-channel unit.

Basic Specifications eYR-8030SC(LN) eYR-9030SC(LP) eYR-8030SH(HP)
Controlled Temperature Range Single Channel -20℃ to 80℃ 20℃ to ~ 30℃
Temperature Control Accuracy From set temperature
with constant heat load
Cooling Capacity: 60Hz 4,000W @ -10℃
3,500W ±200W @ -20℃
10,000W±500W @ -10℃
6,000W±500W @ -20℃
12kW±500W @ 20℃
13kW±500W @ 30℃
50Hz 3500W @ -10℃
3000W ±200W @ -20℃
7,500W±500W @ -10℃
4,500W±500W @ -20℃
Heater Capacity @ AC200V 1,800W±100W 3300W±200W 1,800W±100W
Required Cooling Water Conditions 15℃ ~ 25℃: 10LPM (3gpm)
25℃ ~ 30℃: 15LPM (4gpm)
15℃ ~ 25℃: 50LPM (13gpm) 25℃: 30LPM (8gpm)
Power Consumption (200/220VAC) Maximum 9.0kVA 14.2kVA 9.0kVA
Current 26A 41A 26A
User Interface Touch Panel
External Dimensions (W x D x H) Inches 22 x 30 x 38 22 x 42 x 42 22 x 30 x 38
MM 559 x758 x 960 559 x 1060 x 1060 559 x758 x 960
Standard Communications Protocol LonWorks
Lam Part Number 778-039851-004 Pending Pending

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